

Reflections on "The Sound of April"

Yesterday was April 22nd, and my friends' circle was flooded with a short video called "Voice of April," similar articles or videos have been abundant recently. I understand that these were all deleted for the sake of maintaining stability. Why was everyone's reaction so intense last night? I think it may be due to factors such as the spread and reverse psychology, causing more and more people to repost. The video itself is an aerial shot of Shanghai with a gray filter, with background sounds of various sectors of society related to the epidemic from March to now. Personally, I still feel that this video is just making subjective statements. However, it resonates with the complaints of people currently living in Shanghai. But did it make a substantial contribution to epidemic control? I don't think so.

The above is the background, now I will talk about some new thoughts I have during the epidemic:

  1. Don't have double standards. Think about what you hope will happen, or what you hope others will do. If it happens to you, how would you handle it?

  2. Don't go with the flow and be influenced by emotions. The more difficult the times, the more rationality is needed. This society is and must be governed by elites, a civilized society must be so. So if you want to follow the opinions of the majority in life, be cautious. Especially in sensitive times, you must have your own thoughts and control yourself.

  3. Articles will still be deleted, and they will be forgotten. Just like similar articles like "Whistleblower." So don't look at the short term, look at the long term. Don't look at whether it feels good or not, look at whether there is reflection and learning.

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