

220517 Reflections after working overtime until 1:30 AM

What kind of job would not be disliked, it should be the closer to the desired life, the better. What is the desired life? Naturally waking up every day, being able to go out when the weather is good, resting when tired, spending more time on good food, and doing whatever you want. In short, being able to control your own time. But this is fundamentally in conflict with work, especially when working for others. Work itself is someone buying your time with money, even if you are idle, you still have to go to work on time and stay at your desk.

But if you want to earn money for yourself, it must be completely independent, without hiring anyone. And it is difficult to make a lot of money. Once the business grows, you will definitely need to hire people. Even if you earn money for yourself, you still need to be diligent and invest time, otherwise everything you do will be a failure.

So what should you pursue? It should be turning life into work, rather than turning work into life. You are actually just living every day, but in reality, you are already earning money for yourself, working. Instead of working every day, work occupies all your time.

How to turn life into work? To truly achieve this, first you need to know what you can do every day without getting bored, and invest a lot of time in it regularly. Currently, I have figured out what I want to do every day. Then you need to have the courage to leave your current life, quit your job, explain it to your family, and most importantly, the money you earn must really be no less than your job, and it should increase in the future like appreciation. And you have to do it alone, which is very difficult. It's better to go back to your interests, but currently I don't have a clear interest.

Whether it's a non-business position or a business position, as long as it's a basic position, you can't avoid the problem of talking above and running below, and even if you know that the work you are doing is not meaningful and won't bring about much change, you still have to do it.

How to avoid it, I think there is no other way except starting a business. From a level perspective, even if you work at a middle level like ZWJ or ZX, you will still be busy until midnight, or even busier than the basic soldiers.

So either be a CEO or don't do it.

As for whether there is pressure at the highest level, I think there is. Finding people, finding money, and setting directions, but currently I don't think there is much pressure. On the one hand, the highest level has enough money, there are no worries in life, and it's okay to treat work as life. Secondly, the highest level makes decisions or choices, and making choices requires a basis, which is provided by the lower levels. Unless there are problems with the basis provided by the lower levels, a normal person will not have problems making decisions according to normal thinking, and besides, it's not you making the decisions, it's the entire highest level making the decisions.

Now the question is, how can you reach the highest level? There are two ways, either become a professional manager step by step, but there is definitely no shortcut, it's all slow, just a matter of who is relatively faster. So this method doesn't work.

The second is entrepreneurship, which has risks, but on the one hand, it can directly reach the highest level, and on the other hand, it's also working for yourself, so you naturally don't have to worry about overtime.

I personally think entrepreneurship is a good choice, but how to start a business is both complex and not complex. The complexity lies in choosing a direction. Either you understand the industry you are in, or you know how to understand an industry. The former requires continuous work and deep cultivation, and the latter, if you have enough industry analysis ability, can also be achieved. Besides strategic consulting, there are very few industries where you can directly acquire this ability. So if you don't want to start from scratch in a certain industry step by step, then switching to strategic consulting is likely to be the only way.

In the next ten years, get an MBA, go into the strategic consulting industry, the order of these two can be switched. Finally, start a business after coming out of a top consulting firm. I think this is a feasible path.

Based on this, prepare as early as possible. If your current position does not have any value that can be utilized (projects that can be included in your resume, significant promotion opportunities, development of skills required for the desired industry), don't worry too much about personal relationships, leave early, don't waste time, because fundamentally it may be a manifestation of fear, procrastination, and passivity, especially since the current position is not easy, and it may even be thankless.

To do a good job, time (whether there is enough time), ability (talent, or something innate), and interest (or passion, belief in what you do, etc.) are all indispensable. If any of these are lacking, you can persist, but if all of them are lost, it is recommended to leave directly.

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