

230316 Thoughts on Marriage

Principle: Marriage is the turning point of a relationship from love to affection between two people, and having children will make this affectionate relationship even stronger. The holding of a wedding is a more specific point in time. At the wedding, people invite as many family members, relatives, friends, classmates, and colleagues as possible to let more people know about the union of the two individuals, and also invisibly give these people the task of supervising the two individuals being together. Therefore, when the two individuals separate, there are always many people trying to reconcile them. The wedding also elevates the relationship between two people from the legal dimension of obtaining a marriage certificate to the moral dimension. At this point, once a divorce occurs, the two individuals will be criticized by the people around them, facing a certain degree of moral condemnation. This also explains why some people only get a marriage certificate and are unwilling to have a wedding. Part of the reason may be due to the trouble, but the bigger reason may be the fear of others knowing. In this way, in the future, a divorce only requires secretly going to the Civil Affairs Bureau to obtain a divorce certificate, making it difficult for such a marriage to last long.

Practice: If you are a moral person, either do not get married directly, although this will also face moral condemnation because marriage and procreation are basic social needs for development. After a long-term development of these needs, if violated, it will be manifested in the form of moral condemnation. On the other hand, either do not get married. If you do get married, both parties have an obligation to do their best to maintain the marriage, regardless of the occurrence of infidelity, domestic violence, or other situations. This may be a bit politically incorrect. But this is only a formality. If infidelity and domestic violence occur, the problematic party should be condemned or even punished, but both parties should still maintain the marriage relationship. However, the two individuals can live separately, or even live with other people. But when it comes to raising children, taking care of the elderly, and other shared responsibilities, they should still continue to bear them.

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